Re: [Gimp-user] Printing a resized Image

On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Patrick Shanahan <ptilopteri gmail com>

* fotch <forums gimpusers com> [06-07-14 16:47]:
I tried the search engine for an answer but didn't have any luck.  I
just resized a basic line drawing image using the resize tool, saved the
file and tried to print it.  When doing a print preview I noticed the
image is the size of the original.  What have I missed?

search google for your answer, but:  image_size != print_size
they are not the same thing!

It's also better to keep a larger image but modify the dots per inch to
adjust the print size so that a more crisp image is printed at the size you

e.g. you have 3000x2250 px image and you wanted to print a 9x5" photo it
would be better to keep the image the same size and set the DPI to 3000/9 =
333.33 DPI but you would need to calculate and crop the height.  If you
have 2250/333.33DPI = 6.75".  Since that is the case then you should crop
your image and make the height 5*333.33 px = 1666.66px.

As a summary if I wanted to print my large image to a 9x5" printed photo
I'd have to crop it to 3000x1666px and set the print to 333 DPI (dots per
inch) give or take some minor percent error.


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