Re: [Gimp-user] gimp users matter

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 6:43 AM, Helen wrote:
yes, thank you for that, but I donw't want to to import it as a new gimp
I want to still be able to see my jpg file.  This really is not about the
(slight in
my view) inconvenience of another keystroke.  It's about not being able,
of how many keystrokes, to see my file after it's exported.  I think I will
have to
give up because I can't seem to find the right words to make anyone

You only need to explain what you are trying to do. Step by step. E.g.:

1) You open file named 'something.extension'.
2) You do this and that.
3) You do something else.
4) Instead of X you get Y.
5) etc.

It's not difficult at all.


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