Re: [Gimp-user] Corrupted JPEG

Hi All

Apologies to all for not starting a new thread, i have been an avid reader of the emails for a while now, and read most of what people put here, so sorry Michael & Jay who pointed that out to me..

ill try and answer all questions about whats what etc.

I believe the original pictures, that were taken in 2011, were taken directly of the camera via USB cable, these were then stored on my friends computer, and these were corrupted. I didnt notice it much at first, as she asked me to look at something different (spamware), but her screen saver, which must have read the pic folder, showed pictures, that looked to be corrupted, i initially thought that these were to big for the screen saver to handle, and dismissed them.

She still had the memory card, and the thumbnails, still showed fine on camera preview screen, so she thought they were safe. But luckly, she is not an avid photographer, and didnt even wipe the card! After that, i Borrowed the card, and used photorescue (it saved me once so i was more than happy to pay for it after my canon 350d corrupted a card that was not quick enough), and it again found the same pictures corrupted.

So then began my quest for finding information/utilities to undo/correct the files.

The Card reader is my own, that i ran the software recovery on, so with the fact that since she has bought a new memory card, and it worked fine, i assume its a faulty card? so i took a copy of what she had.

DSC0001.jpg seems to be fine, this is the first card picture on the card, i dont know if any were taken before, ie new card or new camera, but i could find out if needed. DSC0002.jpg, that is ooo 75% ok, but after that, all the remaining 221 pictures are damaged, all only showing about 5%.

I ran imagemagick "mogrify -strip name-of-file.jpg", that ella suggested, and it gave me a comment unsupported marker type 0x3a 'dsc0002.jpg' @warning/jpeg.c/jpegerrorhandler/313.

I did try loading into Gimp 2.8.2 on debian 7.2 after the imagemagick command, and it also said this message (i thought i had tried it on linux but obviously not), OSX 10.6 running gimp 2.8.3 didnt give the same error message, and im sure windows 7 running gimp 2.8.6 (from memory) also didnt give the handler error.

From what little research that i have done since, the error is quite a complicated one. Something to do with data strips ending in FF D9 in a hex editor. The 0001 file has 3 of these, the other 2 that i have tried only have 1 reference (from searching the file).

Ella's other suggestion for converting from jpg to png, i entered "convert DSC0002.jpg test.png" and it converted the image, with the corruption, with no error's reported, also tried dsc0001 and it converted fine (but the original image was ok).

Im assuming meta data is not transfered to a PNG, ill be honest, i dont know much about them, as most of my work is saved back out as JPEG's etc, apart from when exporting from inkscape, which prefers PNG's/Tiffs etc.

Cheers All


On 04/01/2014 20:06, Elle Stone wrote:
On 01/04/2014 02:46 PM, Phil wrote:
Hi Everyone

does anyone have any experience with corrupted JPG's

i have tried various programs, and none seem to work?


Phil, I've encountered jpegs that couldn't be opened until I removed all the metadata. Try making a copy of the jpeg (if the metadata is important to you). The use imagemagick "mogrify -strip name-of-file.jpg" to remove the metadata and see if your image editor can open it.

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