Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.8.6 Windows - Queries new Plug-ins at every startup

Von: "Joseph A. Nagy, Jr" <jnagyjr1978 gmail com>

To my aged and somewhat failing recoginition, gimp has *always*
loaded/queried it's plugins and extensions when starting, irrespective of
platform.  If 2.8.4 did not, it probably was a failing/bug.  I am still on
2.8.2 and it also does the check/load at start.

I have the same experience as well, and have always had the same 
experience. GIMP queries for plugins at startup, I just upgraded to 
2.8.6 but have yet to run it, though I'm expecting that normal behavior 
yet again.

Yes, it does that. But in order to avoid querying plug-ins that haven't changed, their modification time is 
compared to the cached values. The whole query is hardly noticeable on a modern system except on the first 
launch (and launches after an upgrade).


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