[Gimp-user] from tom chambers re: student GIMP

Dear GIMP:
I've just retired from teaching Technology Applications for middle schoolers (7,8), and I wanted to share the 
numerous student projects that involved GIMP. Various groups of students turned to your product 30 different 
times to make things happen:
1)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] - Harmony Hills Elementary School Mentorship Workshop:  
Twenty-one students [eighth grade] from RYSS traveled to Harmony Hills Elementary School to mentor twenty 
third grade students in the use of graphics software.  This mentorship process involved an intensive session 
of learning/practicing, and project application to make digital art:
2)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success (RYSS) - Houston Coalition for the Homeless (HCH) "Three Decades of 
Achievement" Event [April 5, 2013] :  A core group of eighth grade students attended the Houston Coalition 
for the Homeless (HCH) "Three Decades of Achievement" event downtown Houston, April 5, 2013. They displayed a 
selection of the eighth grade class Digital Art about the homeless to not only call attention to this social 
issue, but also celebrate their humanity. They explained their (and classmates') multifaceted project that 
involved Word, PowerPoint and GIMP (graphic arts software):
3)  "Homelessness" Digital Art (GIMP) :  Eighth grade students used GIMP (Photoshop equivalent freeware) to 
create Digital Art about homelessness. The art online is a selection from the 8th grade class. They used 
images of homelessness situations to manipulate in GIMP for the art work. Not only did the students call 
attention to the plight of the homeless, but also celebrate their humanity through the Digital Art treatment 
of the images.This activity was in response to a learning service (campaign) initiative by the National 
Council of La Raza (NCLR):
4)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] - Harmony Hills Elementary School Mentorship  Workshop:  
Twenty-two students [seventh grade] from RYSS traveled to Harmony Hills Elementary School to mentor  
twenty-one second grade students in the use of graphics software.  This mentorship process involved an 
intensive session of learning/practicing, and project application  to make digital art:
5)  GIMP for Gala:   Seventh grade classes used GIMP (graphic arts software - Photoshop equivalent) to make 
Digital Art for the Tejano Center for Community Concerns (TCCC)-Raul  Yzaguirre School for Success (RYSS) 
Gala/Fundraiser (October 19, 2012). They utilized existing photographs made by RYSS students on various field 
trips with the Houston  Audubon Society:
6)  Dublin/RYSS Space Weather/NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale [MMS] 2014 Digital Art Exhibition: Eighth grade 
students at Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] [Houston, Texas], and fifth grade students at Dublin 
Intermediate School [Dublin, Texas] exhibited their Digital Art in Dublin, Texas [June, 2012] based on 
research of Space weather and the NASA MMS [Magnetospheric Multiscale] 2014 Mission:
7)  My World Transformed: This project is a culmination of middle school students [Enrichment Class] at Raul 
Yzaguirre School For Success (Houston, Texas) working to explore their personal environment [bedroom at home] 
to provide photo documentation for the making of Digital Art. During the process, a greater awareness of 
"self" through possessions came to the forefront:
8)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] - Dublin [TX] Middle and Primary Schools Mentorship Workshops: 
Nineteen eighth grade students from Raul Yzaguirre School for Success [RYSS] traveled to Dublin Middle and 
Primary Schools [Dublin, TX] to mentor fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grade students in the use of graphics 
software to create digital art re: Space weather and NASA's MMS [Magnetospheric Multiscale] 2014 Mission:
9)  DA_NASA_MMS_RYSS: Eighth grade students participated in a classroom assignment involving GIMP [Photoshop 
equivalent] photo software and research re: Space weather and NASA's MMS [Magnetospheric Multiscale] 2014 
Mission. The students were tasked to research the various topics/concepts about Space weather [Sun, Sunspots, 
solar flares, CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), solar winds, Earth, Earth's magnetic fields, Earth's 
magnetosphere, magnetic reconnection, Auroas] as well as NASA's MMS 2014 Mission, and then translate the 
information in photo software as Digital Art:
10)  FACE II: As a part of  after school programming, this exhibition is a culmination of 7th and 8th grade 
students working to explore self-portraiture as Digital Art. It is in keeping with Mr. Chambers' project, 
"TOM SERIES"and the exhibition, "The FACE: Evolution of Portrait in Photography":
11)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] - Junior and Primary Academies Mentorship Workshop II:  Eighth 
grade students mentored fifth grade students in the use of graphics software [GIMP (freeware Photoshop 
equivalent)] to create digital art:
12)  Bullying Digital Art: Eighth grade students participated in a classroom assignment involving GIMP 2 
[Photoshop equivalent] photo software and research re: bullying via the Internet as part of the NCLR 
[National Council of La Raza] initiative/campaign against bullying. They were tasked to translate their 
research in photo software as Digital Art. As a result, greater understanding of the social problem came to 
the forefront with acquired skills of manipulating photographs ... utilizing various tools and filters within 
the software:
13)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] - Junior and Primary Academies Mentorship Workshop:  Seventh 
grade students mentored fifth grade students in the use of graphics software [GIMP (freeware Photoshop 
equivalent)] to create digital art:
14)  Alexander's Angel:  This exhibition is a culmination of Mr. Chambers' enrichment class [6,7,8 grades] 
working with their Houston Audubon  Society field trip photographs [Alexander Chapel, Cedar Bayou Methodist 
Cemetery, Baytown, Texas] of an angel figurine to make Digital Art.:
15)  RYSS "Core Values" Project:  Seventh grade students participated in a classroom assignment involving 
GIMP 2 [Photoshop equivalent] photo software and  vocabulary building through word identification/meaning via 
the Internet. The students were given the RYSS four "Core Values" [Junior Academy theme] ... HONOR,  
RESPONSIBILITY, COMMITMENT, CITIZENSHIP ... to research the meaning of online, and then translate those 
meanings in photo software as Digital Art. As a result,  vocabulary enhancement came to the forefront with 
acquired skills of manipulating photographs ... utilizing various tools and filters within the software.:
16)  The Banner Ad:  Advertising on the Internet:  Seventh grade students participated in a classroom 
assignment involving GIMP 2 [Photoshop equivalent] photo software to create a banner ad/Web banner to  begin 
to understand this form of advertising on the World Wide Web.  This form of online advertising involves 
embedding an advertisement into a web page. Its purpose  is to attract traffic to a website by linking to the 
website of the advertiser.  One standard size used by the students:  728X90 pixels:
17)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] - Harmony Hills Elementary School Mentorship  Workshop:  
Nineteen students [seventh grade] from RYSS traveled to Harmony Hills Elementary School to mentor  nineteen 
third grade students in the use of graphics software.  This mentorship process involved an intensive session 
of learning/practicing, and project application  to make digital art:
18)  HAS Art: As a part of after school programming, this exhibition is a culmination of 6th and 7th grade 
students working with their Houston  Audubon Society field trip photographs [High Island and Galveston Bay, 
Galveston, Texas] to make Digital Art:
19)  SARAH: As a part of after school programming, this exhibition is a culmination of 6th and 7th grade 
students working with their  photographs of a particular headstone at the Old City Cemetery in Galveston, 
Texas to make Digital Art. The point of the project is to add relevance to the study of  Early American 
History by making a connection with an individual ... "a real person" ... who was born shortly after the 
American Revolution, and whose remains are now  at the cemetery ... just a few feet below the headstone. This 
immediacy of the remains and the original headstone brought this history "closer" to the students as they 
documented the gravesite, and later, made Digital Art to pay their respects to Sarah. [March 30, 2011]:
20)  DA_LA7_RYSS:  Seventh grade  students participated in a classroom assignment involving GIMP 2 [Photoshop 
equivalent] photo software and vocabulary building through Grade 7 Language Arts word  identification/meaning 
via the Internet to make Digital Art:
21)  FACE_RYSS: As a part of  after school programming, this exhibition is a culmination of 6th and 7th grade 
students working to explore self-portraiture as Digital Art. It is in keeping with the  exhibition, "The 
FACE: Evolution of Portrait in Photography" at the State Novosibirsk Historical Museum, Russia, February 16 - 
March 14, 2011:
22)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] - T.H. Rogers School Mentorship Workshop:  Twenty-nine middle 
school students [eighth grade] from RYSS traveled to T.H. Rogers School to mentor their  photo/art students 
[9-12] in the use of graphics software.  This mentorship process involved an intensive session of 
learning/practicing, and project application to  make digital art:
23)  DA_SS8_RYSS:  Eighth grade  students participated in a classroom assignment involving GIMP 2 [Photoshop 
equivalent] photo software and Grade 8 Social Studies research via the Internet to make  Digital Art.  
Aspects of Early American History [First Semester] were searched and researched in combination with 
downloaded images to visualize the information for  greater retention. This project was shown [slide show] as 
a part of the 6th annual Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave  [2011 CeC & CaC], Sattal Estate, 
Bhimtal, India, February 18 - 20, 2011:
24)  Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS] - Crespo Fine Arts Academy Mentorship  Workshop:  Thirteen 
middle school students [seventh grade] from RYSS traveled to Crespo Fine Arts Academy to  mentor 26 fifth 
grade students in the use of graphics software.  This mentorship process involved an intensive morning 
session of learning and practicing, and an  afternoon session of project application to make digital art.  
The workshop has set a precedent, and there is discussion of it being implemented at other schools.  Chambers 
states, "I'm always proud of all of my students, but I am particularly proud of these 13 seventh graders who 
eagerly took on the challenge of doing more for  themselves, their school and their community":
25)  The Banner Ad:  Advertising on the Internet:  Seventh grade students participated in a classroom 
assignment involving GIMP 2 [Photoshop equivalent] photo software to create a banner ad/Web  banner to begin 
to understand this form of advertising on the World Wide Web.  This form of online advertising involves 
embedding an advertisement into a web page.  Its purpose is to attract traffic to a website by linking to the 
website of the advertiser.  One standard size used by the students:  728X90 pixels  [view slide show]:
26)  Paul Revere:  Seventh grade  students participated in a classroom assignment involving the Internet and 
GIMP 2 [Photoshop equivalent] photo software to research/study Paul Revere/The American  Revolution and make 
Digital Art. This project is currently featured in the School  Spotlightsection of The Paul Revere House 
Museum website [view slide show; download slide show; school spotlight PDF]:
27)  Gulf Coast/East Coast Digital Art Collaboration:  Sixth, seventh and eighth grade students are 
exchanging images with students at Eisenhower Middle School [Wyckoff, New  Jersey, U.S.A.] for manipulation 
to generate Digital Art:
28)  DA_SCI7_RYSS:  Seventh grade  students participated in a classroom assignment involving GIMP 2 
[Photoshop equivalent] photo software and vocabulary building through Grade 7 Science word  
identification/meaning via the Internet to make Digital Art. This project was shown as a part of the 5th 
annual Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave  [2010 CeC & CaC], February 19 - 21, 2010, Sattal 
Estate, Bhimtal, India:
29)  The Banner Ad:  Advertising on the Internet:  Seventh grade students participated in a classroom 
assignment involving GIMP 2 [Photoshop equivalent] photo software to create a banner ad/Web banner to  begin 
to understand this form of advertising on the World Wide Web.  This form of online advertising involves 
embedding an advertisement into a web page. Its purpose  is to attract traffic to a website by linking to the 
website of the advertiser.  One standard size used by the students:  728X90 pixels:
30)  DA_7_8_RYSS:  Seventh and  eighth grade students participated in a classroom assignment involving GIMP 2 
[Photoshop equivalent] photo software and vocabulary building through word  identification/meaning via the 
Internet to make Digital Art.  Exhibitions:  East End Gallery, Houston  Institute For Culture, Houston, 
Texas, U.S.A., January 7 - February 16, 2009 [PARENTS TOUR]; 4th annual Carnival  of e-Creativity & 
Change-agents Conclave [2009 CeC & CaC], Sattal Estate, Bhimtal, India,  February 27 to March 1, 2009; 
Talento Bilingue de Houston, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.,  August 3 - October 29, 2009; Lobby Gallery, Bob Lanier 
Public Works  Building, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., November 6, 2009 - April 25, 2010; City Council Lobby 
Gallery, City Hall [Cultural Affairs, Mayor's Office], Houston, Texas, U.S.A., April 26 - May 17, 2010:
"Move forward and upward until further

Teacher, Technology Applications 
College Prep Academy [6-8]
Raul Yzaguirre School For Success
Houston, Texas, USA
Student Projects: http://tomrchambers.com/RYSS_TCCC.html 
chambers t ryss org

Documentary Photographer and Visual Artist
tom tomrchambers com
chambersdva yahoo com

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