Re: [Gimp-user] SOLVED: export vs. save menu in gimp2.8 - simple and lasting solution

On 07/29/13 00:29, Bob Long wrote:
Paul Cartwright wrote,

On 07/28/2013 02:58 PM, Kasim Ahmic wrote:
Anyway, if the save vs. export thing causes such a problem, then people could just install a plugin that 
removes the new functionality and restores the old one. That way, your workflow isn't affected and you get 
all the new features of 2.8.

go ahead, make my day, tell me how to add that functionality back..

As posted several times on this list:

Personally, I've never used it.

I did. It added /another/ menu point called "Save-export" or so and acts like "Save" used to do, after the image was exported once.

Needless to say I /still/ clicked on "Save as..." or "Save".

So it really did nothing for me except making the menu a little more confusing.

The whole situation boils down to the lack of character that is necessary for admitting a mistake and reversing this change in the workflow.


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