Re: [Gimp-user] SOLVED: export vs. save menu in gimp2.8 - simple and lasting solution

Ahh I see. So would this allow the user to have two version of GIMP installed?

Anyway, if the save vs. export thing causes such a problem, then people could just install a plugin that 
removes the new functionality and restores the old one. That way, your workflow isn't affected and you get 
all the new features of 2.8.

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 28, 2013, at 2:49 PM, Dirk <noisyb pwnoogle com> wrote:

chroot changes the root directory for the process (in this case Gimp) from "/" to another path.

debootstrap installs a minimal linux and Gimp 2.6 into that new root path. So you are running a 
distribution inside a distribution. But it is not like a VM because no hardware is emulated.

The distribution installed in the chroot jail won't be influenced by updates/changes of the distribution 
that is not in the chroot jail. So you will end up having Gimp 2.6 forever.


On 07/28/13 20:35, Kasim Ahmic wrote:
So what exactly does this do? Does it lock GIMP 2.6 onto your machine and not allow you to upgrade to 2.8, 
or what?

Sorry, I'm mainly a Windows user :P

Sent from my iPod

On Jul 27, 2013, at 6:10 PM, Dirk <noisyb pwnoogle com> wrote:


it has now been months that Gimp developers seem to have decided that their "product vision" in Gimp2.8 
(debian/unstable) is more relevant than the workflow of their users.

People who use Gimp *a lot* keep clicking "Save as" instead of "Export" because that is what they're used 
to. Because it is natural.

If you think that it is trivial to make that workflow mistake over and over - then you are a casual Gimp 
user and can stop reading.

If you use Google and search for "export save gimp" you can witness what happens when marketing takes 
over the development.

There seems to be this product-vision-apologetics that they can ignore their users because they are not 
getting paid by them anyway. Old user will just be replaced by new users. Nobody will notice that 
transition except in the feedback, which isn't monetary but just a few angry posts in the internet.

Since Debian (like all other distributions) will have to (or has to) update to Gimp2.8 in the stable 
branch I dedicated a chroot jail to Gimp2.6 and will explain here how you can do it yourself.

Creating a chroot jail for a single application is very easy.

# the directory in which the chroot jail will exist
mkdir chroot_gimp2.6
# run debootstrap it will install a minimal debian and gimp2.6
#   this will take a while
debootstrap --variant=minbase --include=gimp squeeze chroot_gimp2.6
# run gimp from inside the chroot jail
chroot chroot_gimp2.6 gimp

Enjoy Gimp2.6 and the workflow you are used to.

No further updates/changes of your Distribution will take Gimp2.6 workflow away from you.

This will be reposted for your convenience when debian/stable switches to Gimp2.8.

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