Re: [Gimp-user] HATE the new save vs. export behavior

On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 21:03:45 +0100
Andrew & Bridget <andrew_bridget btinternet com> wrote:

Completely useless for the vast majority who only want to quickly open a camera-produced .jpeg, rotate, 
crop and rescale it, and never work on it again.
So why use GIMP ?
Because I have been using it (mainly to quickly open a camera-produced .jpeg, rotate, crop and rescale it, 
and never work on it again) for over 15 years.

Because it is the only serious image manipulation prog for Linux.

Pity the recent changes have made it so much less pleasant to use; every time I have saved my work back to 
its original .jpg and the stupid prog claims I have not saved it, I heartily curse those responsible, and 
wish them to suffer both lumbago AND hiccough......
                       Beware of foreign entanglements.
                                   -- George Washington
                   -- --

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