Re: [Gimp-user] How to Install GIMP User Manual?

On 09.07.13 at 03:29 Sam Gleske wrote:
You should get GIMP from whenever possible.

You're right and usually this is the advice I (or we from the GIMP team)
give. Unfortunately the OS X build we usually recommend hasn't
released version 2.8.6 (yet) and all attempts to get the previous 2.8.4
build working with a manually installed help failed for me.
As adviced at the download page one could also try the MacPorts or
Fink builds.
MacPorts has released only the English help in version 2.8. and usually
takes very long to get a running version, because everything is built
from scratch. Thus that would only be a solution if one had lots of
time. Fink seems currently to be unreachable.

Kind regards,


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