Re: [Gimp-user] import vs open

În data de Thu, 21 Feb 2013 01:33:52 +0100, Dominik Tabisz a scris:

Let me give some proposition:
1)Gimp always open/import any type of file, it can understand. No
matter if we ask program to do so from it's menu, command line or just
click file in file commander.

I guess this is the actual behavior.
What's wrong with it ?

b) file is not *.xcf -> Gimp show the message and ask for permission
to import it.

That will be extremely annoying and useless. I don't remember to have
ever used the open dialog, I always drag and drop the (whatever) image.
Even if the program knows for itself that this is actualy an import, why
should the program stop and ask for permission ? (what would be the
benefit ?) Sounds absurd. I imagine that would be just a step to take
some users away from this application.

The export makes sense, in order to keep working in native format
(this is one of the annoyance with OOo/LO, where after saving as MS
Word for example, then the further editing remains in MS Word format
instead to remain in native OpenDocument). But the import ?


Cristian Secară

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