[Gimp-user] dotted areas, how to erase (or change)

I've got a problem editing an image with a dotted background in it. By 'dotted', I mean an array of small 
evenly spaced black dots on a white background. 

I've tried the fuzzy select tool which kind of works. It fills in the white space with the color I want but 
leaves the dots untouched. I want to get rid of the dots.

The image has a lot of rectangles containing text (these are not dotted) on this dotted background so using 
the select tool would be a real chore.

Any suggestions would be most welcome. Thanks

It very much depends on the image and the size of the dots.

The obvious is a mask of some sort but a quick solution might be

Filter -> generic -> dilate   This shrinks everything by 1 pix around the perimeter.

if the dots still show, do it again. If it takes more that that, give up now.


Filter -> generic -> erode  this add a pix around a perimeter, match this with the number of 'dilates'

If the the text or the box is small then chances are this will not work, you destroy what you want to keep.

rich (via gimpusers.com)

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