[Gimp-user] [Mac] 2.8.2

1 - Whenever I start GIMP I get the following Problem Report: "file-pdf-load cannot be opened because of a 
problem." (Note that GIMP itself loads and runs, it's just this plugin 
"/Applications/GIMP.app/Contents/Resources/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/file-pdf-load" that fails.)

I'm seeing what sounds like the same problem. I don't know why it's happening, but I do have some additional 

In addition to the "... because of a problem" message, I get

"Check with the developer to make sure file-pdf-load works with this version of OS X."

I'm running OS X 10.8.1.

I have a crash dump if that's of use to anyone. 


kmkohler (via gimpusers.com)

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