Re: [Gimp-gui] Scrolling past the canvas


On 2019-10-23 03:21, Adam Jagosz via gimp-gui-list wrote:

This is my first time interacting with the GIMP community, so, hello!
First of all, I would suggest to subscribe to the mailing list (link 
added below automatically). Otherwise I have to validate your emails 
manually each time (I had to do for this one), which means they will 
reach people late. And you may not receive the answers (some people 
answer only to the ML address).
What has always bugged me in GIMP (at least on Windows, don't know
about Linux) is that you can only scroll the image window as far as
the canvas goes. This is an issue, because some tools require us to
click outside canvas, e.g. to paint with the edge of the Brush on the
very edge of the canvas, or to make selections more easily. A
workaround is to zoom out and zoom in, but it's rather annoying to do
it that way and not always feasible.
There is an other way to scroll out of canvas: with the middle-click 
panning. I.e. you hold middle-click button on the canvas and move the 
mouse. Such panning is not locked within the canvas limit and is very 
often the favorite way of most people to move over the canvas.
Can a scrolling margin be provided?
This being said, I believe it would be a good idea to have a small 
out-of-canvas margin, not much because stopping at the edge of your 
image also has its comfort points, but enough to allow out-of-canvas 
selections and painting tools to go over a bit.

Thank you,
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