Re: [Gimp-docs] Colors/Desaturate/Desaturate documentation

Hello Elle,
Is there a version of the git master documentation online somewhere? I see 2.8 online, but not 2.9/2.10.
If you downloaded gimp-help-2 from the git repository,you can have the up-to-date help locally, by running the command "make html-en". Probably you will have some extensions to add to your system. But it's necessary since you will have to test your work in html.
Regarding images, in the desaturate documentation there are two images:

1. The desaturate dialog. I'd like to make a new screenshot as the current screenshot is out of date, not showing the current default which has changed to "Luminance".
Please, feel free to update ad change images.

Are there guidelines for making images (number per page, dimensions, file size, file type, stripped of metadata?, etc)? I see that all the images on the desaturate page are pngs and are fairly small.

Guidelines are in the Howto I sent you.
size is limited by the width of the html page
No limit to the number of images per page.
PNG, yes.
Big images increase the weight of this help. An old habit, when memory was rare and Internet very slow. But they must not dominate the text.

All the best,


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