Re: [Gimp-docs] 'make pdf' fails

On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 09:19:29PM +0100, Julien Hardelin wrote:

"So it seems that all you have to do is to install the proper
package from your distribution (e.g. texlive-lang-french or

Unfortunately no. texlive-lang-french has been installed from a long
tme and babel-french is unknown in my system.

Hmpff. Ok: Under openSUSE all you have to is ...

I tried to make pdf-fr under Debian and failed. But after installing


it worked! (I did not yet try Norwegian pdf, though.)
texlive-tetex seems to be necessary for creating some fonts or so
(I don't care, see /var/lib/texmf/web2c/xetex/...)


Wer sich über die Bibel nicht empört, kennt sie nicht. Oder
ist zu feige oder innerlich zu unfrei, sich zu empören.
                -- Franz Buggle, "Denn sie wissen nicht,
                   was sie glauben."

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