Re: [Gimp-docs] 'make pdf' fails

I was a bit curious inspired by this discussion, and tried to make a pdf file. Near the same result as Julien got:

   Build gimp.pdf
   built-in module xetex registered
   no support found for ifxetex
   no support found for fontspec
   no support found for xltxtra
   no support found for fontenc
   no support found for ucs
   no support found for inputenc
   no support found for fancybox
   built-in module makeidx registered
   no support found for babel
   no support found for cmap
   no support found for db2latex
   built-in module bibtopic registered
   building additional files...
   checking if compiling is necessary...
   the output file doesn't exist
   xelatex -interaction=batchmode gimp.tex
   Unexpected error occured
   Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
   Makefile:1492: recipe for target 'pdf/nn/gimp.pdf' failed
   make: *** [pdf/nn/gimp.pdf] Error 1

I am running this using CygWin 64 on Windows 7 Home.
All the modules not found are installed. "make validate-nn" returns no errors. Making HTML files works as expected. To be on the safe side I also run with parameters. No errors.
I tried both "make pdf" and "make pdf-nn". Same result.

I have no plans building pdf files for this help, so there is no reason using time to fix this. As said, I am just curious. If needed, I think I am able to make pdf files from the HTML files. Mostly I write this to tell that there at least is one more having problems with the "make pdf" command.


Den 11.12.2015 21:19, Julien Hardelin skreiv:

"So it seems that all you have to do is to install the proper package from your distribution (e.g. texlive-lang-french or babel-french)"

Unfortunately no. texlive-lang-french has been installed from a long tme and babel-french is unknown in my system.

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