Re: [Gimp-developer] Pencil - Tool Options and Hardness

To make things even more complicated, the new MyPaint brushes can have a pixel brush that behaves like pencil.
So if we get brush option to turn anti-aliasing off, we'll have 3 tools 
to make pixel art with..

On 22.6.2016 13:40, Simon Budig wrote:
C R (cajhne gmail com) wrote:
Have you actually tried to do what I outlined above?

Have you? lol
No - I haven't. It's not currently possible to turn off anti-aliasing on
the brush tool, so it's not possible to "test" it.
Ah, sorry. I missed that we're discussing hypothetical future
characteristics of the tools here. I was just looking at the current
difference between the pencil and the paintbrush tool.

However, knowing how anti-aliasing works, your statement is incorrect...
Well, if you choose to label the behaviour I described as
"pixel-grid-snapping" (or the lack thereof) as "anti-aliasing" then it
is not me who is making the error here. I actually don't think that they
are the same.

The paintbrush tool resamples the brush when the pixel grid of the brush
is not perfectly aligned to the pixel grid of the image.
Yes, but with anti-aliasing turned off (which you can't presently), it

A perfect non-antialiased 1 pixel brush typically gets spread across
four adjacent pixels in the image, assuming you're working with a high
zoom level and don't specifically align the brush to the pixel grid of
the image.
I don't know why you would assume that. :)
It's incorrect at any rate.
This is *exactly* what the current paint brush tool does. And it really
is no rocket science to test it. Just do as I explained above. I even
did just a few moments ago, even if I knew this behaviour for years.

Anti-aliasing IS what average pixels to spread over a 4-pixel block.
If you turn it off (which, again, you can't currently in the brush tool),
and a single click with a 1px brush fills more than one pixel, then that
would be incorrect behaviour.
The Pencil tool does two things (compared to the paintbrush) that are
independent of each other:

a) it thresholds the alpha channel of the brush (with a quite low

b) it snaps the pixels of the brush to the pixels of the image, so that
no resampling occurs.

This is the *current* state of Gimp. And it has been like this for ages.

If we want to put that as an option into the paintbrush (and lose the
pencil) then describing both of these behaviours combined as
"anti-aliasing" is IMHO misleading and wrong.


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