Re: [Gimp-developer] Portable development environment for GIMP

On Mon, 2015-09-28 at 20:55 +0200, Michael Schumacher wrote:

On 09/28/2015 08:40 PM, Sam Gleske wrote:

Even when I maintain the build system at there's
regularly a
"works for me" statement when the build system fails but it passes
on a
developers laptop.  These challenges hinder progress when having a
repeatable build environment would solve these issues.

GIMP developers use Debian Testing, with the assumption that is
is present there, then a GIMP build can require it.

I hope that nobody uses debian testing, the most unstable of
all debians :) Testing is simply a rule we use to figure what we
can depend on, nothing more. We needed some rule and made one.


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