Re: [Gimp-developer] libmypaint


On Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Thorsten Stettin
<thorsten stettin gmail com> wrote:
Am 03.10.2015 um 11:49 schrieb Michael Natterer:
On Sat, 2015-10-03 at 00:47 +0200, Thorsten Stettin wrote:

I'm just integrate my homebrew Ubuntu package called libmypaint. But
what's the impact regarding Gimp-2.9.x?
With libmypaint it builds the mypaint brush tool which you need
to enable in prefs -> playground. It's very experimental :)
Ok, I'll do my very best. :-D
I'd like to add that it is still very very slow, not really usable yet
in real use cases. Just saying since I believe your purpose is to do a
package, and users should be aware where they are getting into.



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