Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Texttool Native Language
- From: Jehan Pagès <jehan marmottard gmail com>
- To: Michael Bauer <fios akerbeltz org>
- Cc: gimp-developer <gimp-developer-list gnome org>
- Subject: Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Texttool Native Language
- Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 19:49:47 +0200
On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 7:24 PM, Michael Bauer <fios akerbeltz org> wrote:
Regarding Chinese:
I tested Pinyin (stupid machine can't do Cantonese, bah) and it sort of
works. You start typing Pinyin and the suggestions window pops up and
displays the different suggestions and inserts them correctly.
What does not work well is the alignment. In other programs (again, tested
Firefox and LibreOffice), the OS places the suggestions window near the
cursor and moves the window along as you type. It cannot be manually
repositioned (as far as I can tell).
In Gimp, the window appears, as do suggestions and they are inserted
correctly. However, it insists on placing the suggestions window in the
bottom left of the Gimp window and since I cannot reposition it (and would
I can reproduce such a placement on Linux too. I believe it places it
relative to the widget, which I think is the GimpCanvas in the case of
a text in the canvas. When writing in other elements of GIMP though,
for instance in some text field, or renaming a layer with Japanese,
etc. the suggestion window is correctly placed (next to the text being
inputted), likely because the containing widget is smaller.
have to do so every time I type since it autocloses), it makes typing very
annoying because my eyes have to keep jumping between the cursor area and
the bottom left of the window.
It would seem that non-Latin script entry methods on OSX don't work well
with Gimp in general.
Well I won't go that far. I work with someone who write in Korean,
names most layers with Korean (even though I tell her to write layer
names in English all the time!), and she doesn't seem to complain
about writing in Korean within GIMP.
Now there is always room for improvement, there is no denying. Maybe
we can do something about the suggestion placement next to the cursor
instead of next to the widget (which may at times be far from the
cursor indeed). No idea what control over the IME we have within GIMP
and GTK+. I'd have to research this and check current GTK+ code.
I propose that you open a bug report for this specific issue. I'll
have a look (unless someone else does before!), though I don't
consider this high priority. But you are right, that's still an issue,
and a report in Bugzilla to remind us of this would be welcome.
28/09/2014 16:52, sgrìobh Jehan Pagès:
If even with this, that's still not working, but it's working
everywhere else, well maybe there is a broken support of input methods
for OSX in GTK+? Try another GTK+ app and check if you can write text
through an input method engine there.
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