Re: [Gimp-developer] assets in the high bith depth age

Bringing this topic back, since I think it matters - and more people
could be dealing with this than striclty fidling at the core;

On 9 February 2014 16:55, Alexandre Prokoudine
<alexandre prokoudine gmail com> wrote:

I'm curious if we have a plan for assets in v2.10 and onwards now that
16/32 bit is possible. Color palettes and gradients are still based on
raw 8bit RGB values, and pattern files are 8bit as well.

FilmGIMP/Cinepaint "fixed" that in the past by converting everything
to 16bit integer (afaik, integer), but I'm not sure if that's such a
good idea.

Some things to consider, in no particular order:

- IMO, ideally, stock color palettes should be using a linear
device-independent color space (some sort of LCh?);
- it should be possible to use palettes that rely on arbitrary color
models (RGB, LAB) to make paint vendors happy;
- we still need to solve the i18n issue that was raised recently
(non-translatable palettes/colors/etc. names).

In my opinion, a sensible way to approach that would be using an
already available, but somewhat forgotten file format devised by
Olivier Berten during his work on SwatchBooker:

To reiterate my earlier email to create@, the benefits of this file format are:

- simple combination of XML + ZIP
- (nearly) any color model + optional mapping to an embedded ICC profile
- flat colors and gradients supported
- spot colors supported
- i18n-ized names of all metadata fields and color names

There is no other file format that would provide the same set of
features for us, free or non-free:

So the questions are:

- Is changing the assets file format something we need to do for 2.10
(or maybe at all)?
- Is the SwatchBooker's file format right for us?
- do we actually have resources to make the switch?


we could start talking more about evolving the format.

I pǘe been talking with some heavy users (for professional use, even) -
and one thing they miss is more consistency on asst handling
(you can rename a palette or a gradient inline in the gradient list
dialog, but not a pattern or a brush, for example).


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