Re: [Gimp-developer] Quick-edit workflow

From: peter mmiworks net
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 02:25:47 +0100
To: gimp-developer-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Gimp-developer] Quick-edit workflow

I think I can see what Akkana means: when there is no export
target, the menu items are “Export to” and “Export...”
that is not ideal. and it’s clear that it irritates people.

note that the export-to item cannot be grayed out in this case.
ctrl-E just has to work (leading to an Export..., yes, just
as the first Save is a Save As...)

reviewing the situation, I see that the straightforward solution
is to relabel

Export... -> Export As... (in all states)

“Export to” -> Export (when no export target)

you can see that this achieves perfect mirroring of
Save and Save As...

“Export to” and “Overwrite” stay as-is,
they work well with Export As...

(just in case you wonder, yes I am giving up on something
by doing this: in so many other application the label on
the export menu item is Export... )


        founder + principal interaction architect
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gimp-developer-list mailing list
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I definitely agree that the labelling of the Export/Export To commands should completely mirror the labelling 
of "Save/Save As" commands.

PS:  Can we get some accelerator keys put on those menu labels sometime?

-- Stratadrake
strata_ranger hotmail com
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