Re: [Gexiv2] Hello?

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Robert Park <rbpark exolucere ca> wrote:

Yeah, I'm not really sure if this is possible anymore. I've tried
several different configurations of annotations and g-ir-scanner just
isn't picking them up. If I had to guess, I'd say that there's some
kind of C/C++ incompatibility going on here. The reason I say that is
that annotations don't really go in the header files. I haven't been
able to find any examples of any annotations that go in header files,
and I'm not even sure where I got this idea from. I checked out three
major GNOME projects and all the annotations simply live in the C
files, and I just can't get g-ir-scanner to acknowledge anything I
write anywhere. The best GIR file I've been able to produce simply
includes a few enumerations (which are then delightfully accessible
from python!) but no actual function calls are introspectable at all.

Would love to be proven wrong, though. *sigh*

You might try taking a look at WebKitGTK, it's similar in that it's
implemented C++, and they managed to support GIR.

 - Eric

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