Re: [Gexiv2] Hello?

Hi Robert,

I don't have a lot of experience with GObject introspection, so please
don't take my thoughts on it here as gold.  But, I will point out that
gexiv2 isn't technically a C++ library in the sense that it offers a
strictly C interface.  All the C++ code is in the implementation and hidden
from the caller.  I think this will make it much easier to bind gexiv2 to

As far as g-ir-scanner only working on C-based code, I would take that
exactly as it sounds: it only works on C code, not C++.  I also suspect
libchamplain's annotations in the C code is merely for the coder's benefit
(or consistency) and not for the use of g-ir-scanner.

-- Jim

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Robert Park <rbpark exolucere ca> wrote:

* The documentation for g-ir-scanner says that it only scans .h files
for annotations, but in libchamplain I am seeing lots of annotations
in the .c files, so I wrote a couple annotations in
gexiv2-metadata.cpp just to see what would happen, and of course,
nothing happened. So what's the deal with that?

* g-ir-scanner also says that it only works on "C based" source code.
I'm *assuming* that includes C++, correct?

Thanks again!

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