On 18/12/13 02:02 AM, Adam Dingle
Sure, but why make it a 'contest'? Let the user decide, make it configurable and that's that. I'd be happy with it myself if I could just change the persistence time up to, say, two minutes. For me, things like this are matters of principal as much as they are matters of practicality. I moved to Linux precisely because I was tired of being told what I like, yet everywhere developers have this tendency to say: "Here's the latest and greatest, you are going to love it." Thus we see both gnome and KDE fragmenting and fragmenting again because so many people do not want the latest and greatest look and feel, but there seems to be no respect for that within the mainstream of development. Me, I'd have a checkbox: "Old look and feel" / "New look and feel". I'd be able to give the new idea a try now and then and, who knows, maybe I would come to love it. If not, I'd not have to consider downgrading to get back what *I* like. R |