[gedit-list] 3.2 plans?

>From a conversation on IRC, some of the gedit devs said that gedit 3.0 was perfect, and that there was no need for new features, and that there were no bugs. (I think it was nacho.)*

I mostly believe that to be true, but wanted to see if there were any mad genius-types who had proposed a roadmap for new features and fixes in gedit 3.2. Is there such a plan?

I know that there are some documentation enhancements that I will want to get in place (... looks at snippets and plugins help). I thought I'd check to see if someone already had a roadmap in place.


*Ok, I made this up. Gedit is a nice text editor, though, and congrats to all of the devs for getting 3.0 out the door.

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