On 02/01/2011 02:54 PM, Kennedy Kasina wrote:
Hi All,These things are mostly theming issues, and not so much gedit UI related. If you have a look at gedit there is not all that much UI anyway. Also, if you want to have a unified result, you should not really change all individual applications to match. Maybe I don't understand exactly what you would like to change (I'm not really familiar with the theme of your screenshot, or what gedit looks like in that theme). Does it tweak things specifically for Nautilus? The way these things work is that the gnome desktop does/did not provide any convenient way to really work on a project. Sure, you can have a nautilus window open next to your gedit window, but there is no way that this is really convenient (for example, maybe you need to move your text editor a bit out of the way for some other window, you keep reorganizing your windows). So, to improve a workflow, you add plugins to the text editor, and voila. As nacho pointed out, you can always disable this plugin, no problem. We will hopefully see that with gnome shell, file management gets easier and the need for a filebrowser plugin will be less. Personally, I found the filebrowser taking away too much space and also the need to use the mouse was annoying. Thus we designed Quick open (I never use filebrowser anymore).