Re: [gedit-list] IDE based on gedit


On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 11:51:41PM +0200, Jan Niklas Hasse wrote:
> Some years ago I started writing a new IDE for Linux in Python. The
> idea behind it was: Make it slim, fast and extensible with plugins.
> Just like gedit is. In fact gedit is my favorite "IDE" for Linux, but
> it's lacking some important features I needed.
> I tried to implement them as plugins but after a while I realized that
> it was to complicated. Furthermore I would lose my lightweight text
> editor and instead open up an IDE every time I would want to edit some
> configuration file.
> But writing an IDE from scratch? Not an option if I wanted to be
> feature complete. Rather I decided to create something like a fork of
> gedit, but written in Python. The clue is that I want plugins to be
> compatible, so that most of the work can be handled as plugins and
> therefore will be available to gedit users, too. Moreover that avoids
> rewritten some needed IDE features like code completion or a class
> browser.
> I named this IDE Taluka and started about 3 years ago. Unfortunately I
> never had enough time to finish. Anyway: What do you think of the
> general idea and would someone even like to help out?
> Code so far:

I'm the author of LaTeXila, an Integrated LaTeX Environment, inspired by 
Gedit too (but the implementation is far to be as complete as Gedit).

I wanted to create a framework based on Gedit (libgedit), but with the 
profiles feature, the libgedit is less useful.

Take a look at this e-mail:


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