Re: [gedit-list] Re fresh on file modified

On 09/12/2010 21:12, jshailes wrote:
I had some good news today that my boss is very pleased with his first steps
in Linux with only the one gripe: gedit doesn't refresh an open file after
it has been modified externally.

I've done a bit of investigation work and it seems that it does refresh:

If I create a file in gedit, save it, open a console and `echo 'something'>
myGeditFile` all works sweetly.

The case where it doesn't is when:

nohup java -jar longRunningApp.jar>  longRunningAppOutput
gedit longRunningAppOutput

The output file grows quite large over the period of a few hours but the
only way of viewing the updates is to close the file in gedit and open it
again. Has anyone had similar experiences? I'm running 2.30.3.

I have found that if you have two tabs with gedit, with one containing the file you would like to update, you just have to switch to the other tab then come back and you are asked for refreshing. Again, if you where on gedit and you clic anywhere but not gedit himself and then come back to gedit, you are also asked about refreshing.

I tried with this loop :
while true; do echo "hello" >> test.txt; sleep 2; done

There are some tricky ways to ask for refreshing, I agree an F5 option would be more confortable. Feel free to contribute :-)

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