Re: [gedit-list] The plugin mentality

Before addressing comments, I would like to stress that  there are
three "classes" of plugins for gedit. Plugins that are distributed
with Gedit, and therefore, are always available. Second, "GNOME
maintained" plugins that live in gedit-plugins module, that usually
have a good quality standard and are mantained. And Last you have
random plugins, where quality and features varies a lot (there are
some very good ones and some very bad ones). So, if you think that
some feature is really important that should be available always, you
need to convince the maintainers to put the plugin inside the gedit

Now, I am back to the comments.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Chepi Gimenez <chepi gimenez gmail com> wrote:
> I've been thinking about this for a while, and labeled the set of issues
> under "usability". There's a lot to be done, but having these open-ended
> conversations is a great beginning, and maybe more of them are necessary.
> I definitely agree with having the "Search and install plugins" menu option
> included in the core package, at the very least.

Of course this would be sweet. As nacho already said, We wanted to do
that for a long time, but there is no man power currently to do it.
Help is always appreciated, and please just start coding it! Using the
current add-on site of Mozilla could be a good start, since it's done
on django and it's open-source (and mozilla has spent a lot of time
making it right), but the thing is not that easy since it's very easy
to "download and install in one-click" a python plugin, but it is not
that easy to make it so for native plugins (remember that Gedit is
available in mac and windows)... You would need some buildbot to build
the plugin, a process to get plugins reviewed to stop malicious code
to get into your machine.  I raised this sometime ago in the
gnome-foundation list and there were a lot of thumbs up, but in the
end, we don't have the people to do it, and as nacho said, people is
busy doing 3.0 rock.

> Perhaps a next step would be to -sort of- standardize plugin bundles for the
> most frequent use cases, ie: Web Frontend Dev, WebDev, et al.
> And CODE FOLDING would be SWEET. (I know thats SourceView's turf, but
> anyways)
> I'm in a rush, gotta sprint out... Cheers,

Code folding is on their way to land, but getting it right is very
difficult and slow process. Hopefully, we(I) 'll finish that before
3.0 gets out, but do not count on it.



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