[gedit-list] Announcing Gedit Developer Plugins

Announcing the initial release of...

Gedit Developer Plugins
    A collection of plugins that provide extra editing features for power
    users such as developers. The plugins are independent; you can activate
    just the features that you want.
    Screenshots: http://curtis.hovey.name/gallery/Sinzui/gdp-2-26-1/
    Download: https://launchpad.net/gdp

GDP Find and replace:
    Find and replace in multiple files. Open files and jump
    to the line from the results pane. Directories and file types can be
    specified. Regular expressions are supported. 

GDP Format:
    Check and format text and code. Format paragraphs, lists, and imports.
    Reformat test using regular expressions. Check the syntax and
    style of Python, XML, and plain text. Check and reformat Python

GDP Bazaar Integration: 
    Integrates bzr-gtk to show status, tags, annotations, visualize, commit,
    merge, and push. Open files changed in the branch. Requires bzr-gtk to
    be installed.

GDP Syntax Completer:
    Use <Shift><Control>Space to activate the snippet completer window
    to see a list of matching words in the document. Complete python symbols
    from imports and those defined in the module. 

These plugins are derived from code that I have been using with Gedit for
the last two years. Most of my work is in Python and the plugins reflect that:
completing Python symbols, Python syntax and PEP 8 checking, and doctest

If you are writing a Python plugin, you may want to look at this code to
see how dummy and fake Gedit objects are generated from the Gedit C defs.
Code is tested outside of gedit, which minimises the need to reinstall the
plugin and restart Gedit. This test suite also isolated issues in Gedit and
the Snippets plugin, making it easy for me to submit a patch.


__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y_______
Guilty of stealing everything I am.-

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