Re: [gedit-list] The 79 characters selection limit to prefill the search field

On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 10:28 -0700, Doug McNutt wrote:
> At 12:08 -0500 12/9/08, jpfleury wrote:
> >I have a question about the Gedit search/replace function. If we do a
> >selection before doing Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H, the dialog's search field is
> >prefilled with the selected text, only if it's less than 80 characters.
> <can't resist it>
> Surely you know that the first column is reserved for a 7-9 punch 
> that indicates a binary card.
> </can't resist it>

/me must release the code to his plugin.

I have a command that does that, and honors leading indentation too. I
promise to get publish my plugin this month since I have two weeks to
just hack.


__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y_______
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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