Re: [gedit-list] Roadmap for gEdit 2.25/2.26

Il giorno lun, 08/12/2008 alle 16.05 -0500, Brett Alton ha scritto:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm looking for a roadmap or planned features for gEdit 2.25/2.26.
> I can't think of much to add to this great editor, I'm just curious to
> see its development.
> I think I've bugged the developers before about this during the
> 2.23/2.24 release cycle, but they said they didn't have much time to
> work on gEdit at the time, so there wasn't a roadmap to see.
> Any info, including work on Gio/GVFS, libgtksourceview, etc. would be
> much appreciated.

Hi Brett!

A sort of roadmap is present at it's
not updated to day but more or less it lists the things we are mostly
interested in seeing implemented.
Lack of time is still an issue, so we are not planning very far ahead:
when someone of the developers implements one of the features it goes
in, otherwise it'll have to wait :-)

Things that are more likely to happen in this cycle are:
 - rework of the plugin internals (already done in fact)
 - bus system / dbus integration
 - work on the completion framework



> Thanks!

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