Re: [gedit-list] Code Snippet plugin suggestion

Op donderdag 16-11-2006 om 11:01 uur [tijdzone +0000], schreef Hermann
> The second thing is not so much an inconvenience as a suggestion to
> improve speed. I've noticed on the screencasts where people use
> TextMate that they don't get a drop down. Never having used TextMate I
> can only guess how it works, but it seems that it simply looks at the
> last word typed, checks through the available snippets and if it finds
> one that matches the word then it expands the snippet. Again, I don't
> know if this is how TextMate works, but this seems like a better idea,
> or at least an interesting option. We could still use the standard
> ctrl+space to get the dropdown, but we could assign ctrl+enter to this
> new behaviour.

Hmm, I think you don't know about the <tab> trigger feature of gedit.
>From what I understand you only use Ctrl+Space to select a snippet from
the popup dialog. This is not the prefered way to activate a snippet.

In the snippets manager you see that most of the snippets have either a
tab trigger or a shortcut key. A tab trigger is a little word
(abbreviation) that when you type it in a document and press <Tab> is
expanded to the snippet it references. So for example typing:

'for<Tab>' in a php file expands the for snippet.

This is also how textmate works.

Jesse van den Kieboom


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