[gedit-list] Code Snippet plugin suggestion


I've recently started using gEdit and found the code snippet plugin
very useful, and as I've used  it I've found some things I'd like to
discuss. I'm not sure if this is the correct mailing list to discuss
plugins but I couldn't find anywhere else, if there's a specific
mailing list for this topic could you please point me to it.

The first inconvenience I've found is that the plugin loads one
language per file, I code in PHP and HTML and when I write templates I
use both on the same file, since these files are .php files I can't
get the HTML snippets. I have various ideas for this:

Since most people tend to code in only a limited number of languages
having a window in the config, or maybe a menu to manually select the
languages to be loaded for all files. Cons: this would be highly
annoying to anyone coding in a series of different languages at a time
(ie: no problem mixing the HTML and PHP snippets, but what if you've
got C and Perl files open at the same time?)

The second option would be to have an area in the plugin config where
you can set which languages are loaded for which types of files, so
you could set all PHP files to load PHP and HTML snippets, while
leaving HTML files to load only HTML snippets.

The second thing is not so much an inconvenience as a suggestion to
improve speed. I've noticed on the screencasts where people use
TextMate that they don't get a drop down. Never having used TextMate I
can only guess how it works, but it seems that it simply looks at the
last word typed, checks through the available snippets and if it finds
one that matches the word then it expands the snippet. Again, I don't
know if this is how TextMate works, but this seems like a better idea,
or at least an interesting option. We could still use the standard
ctrl+space to get the dropdown, but we could assign ctrl+enter to this
new behaviour.

I'm not a python coder, but I'll give the second suggestion a go, even
if it is for personal use, but I'd like to hear what you think of
this, and if there is already work being done on some similar ideas.

Hermann Käser

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