[gedit-list] Documentation for snippets plugin

I've added a section on the Snippets plugin to the
gedit manual. It's now in CVS, you can see it if you
scroll right to the bottom of the section on plugins.
Please file a bug if there are any mistakes.

I've filed
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=352251 to
have the Help button in the Snippets Manager window
reassigned to point to this new section.
Could this be changed in time for the release?
It doesn't break string freeze. I'm not sure if it's a
UI change.

Secondly, I have a few questions about the snippets

1. the wiki page
http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/SnippetPlugin mentions
Shell placeholders and python placeholders as being in
CVS -- will these be in 2.16?
2. I don't understand what the End placeholder does,
in particular this: 'When this placeholder is entered,
the snippet placeholders are removed and you are left
with normal text.'
3. What sort of accelerators can be used? If I enter
'a' into the field, does that mean I can use Alt-A? OR
should I enter something like CTRL-A? What happens if
I do enter CTRL-A -- will it cease to work for Select
All? ('accelerators' is the wrong term to use, btw,
I've filed a bug).
4. when I alter a standard gedit plugin, I assume it
saves something to gedit prefs in ~/ Does the revert
button revert the last edit, or revert to the original
value that comes with gedit? Can I revert during a
later gedit session, or only undo the last change?

I'd like to say thanks for a great plugin. I've been
creating docbook snippets and they're already making
my work a lot quicker and easier :) (I'll submit the
snippets file as a patch later after I've made a
proper .lang for DocBook.)

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