[gedit-list] creating a new snippet language file

I am trying to create a new set of snippets for

I have created a file

which is attached.

When I run gedit with debug output, I get this:
('Adding library (docbook):

but there is no Docbook group shown in the Manage
Snippets dialog.

I can't see what's wrong with the file, so all I can
think of is that it's not working because Gedit
doesn't recognize docbook as a filetype (eg for syntax

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<snippets language="docbook">
  <snippet id="menuchoice">
    <text><![CDATA[&lt;menuchoice&gt;&lt;guimenu&gt; &lt;/guimenu&gt;&lt;guimenuitem&gt; &lt;/guimenuitem&gt;&lt;/menuchoice&gt;
    <accelerator />

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