Re: [gedit-list] Re: Other comment on GtkSourceView (and the turbo patch)

Hey Paolo,

On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 11:57, Paolo Maggi wrote:
> Hi Jeroen,
> > I was wondering when you plan to commit all the changes to the
> > toward-gedit-integration branch back to HEAD in gtksourceview. 
> hmm... I'd like to finalize the API first. It still needs some love.


> > I'd like
> > to start making glimmer depend on the new code.
> You could start to work on a new branch (of glimmer).

Yeah, i suppose i'll do that. Do you know how merging changes from a
branch into HEAD works? I've never done that myself.

> > 
> > On a side note, how is your coding going on the new .lang format?
> You can see my code on CVS. I have started writing the new parser but it
> still isn't complete.
> I'm not very happy when the API of GtkSourceLanguage and
> GtkSourceTagStyle since it does not manage objects life cycle in a sane
> way. I'm going to modify it adding a GtkSourceLanguagesManager class
> that will have the responsibility the GtkSourceLanguage objects life
> cycle.

I'm a little unclear about this item: is this the "move .lang glimmer
stuff into gtksourceview" item? If so, great, i'll review what's in cvs
asap. If not, how does this fit in the bigger picture?

> > 
> > I'd like to synchronize our glimmer efforts.
> > 
> > What items remain that need to be moved into gtksourceview? 
> - the undo manager must be fixed (i.e. synchronized with the gedit's
> one)
> - the markers stuff has still to be reviewed
> - I'd like to move some code from GeditView to GtkSourceView
> - the glimmer's .lang files should be ported to the new format
> - adding support for style themes (it is really needed? You have it in
> glimmer)

Style themes should probably stay in glimmer, since it's better suited
to pure development tools instead of more general editors like gedit.

> > Is printing
> > source code common enough between gedit & glimmer that we can move it
> > into gtksourceview?
> Yes, we could try to move it to gtksourceview.
> The gedit printing code is quite good but it has bugs with non latin
> language (but we could fix it later) and, clearly, it does not support
> syntax highlighting.

Agreed. Using the gedit code is probably the sanest choice. The glimmer
code hasn't gotten a lot of attention, so it's probably full of bugs.

Printing syntax highlighted code is probably something for the future.



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