Re: [gedit-list] Re: Other comment on GtkSourceView (and the turbo patch)

Hi Jeroen,

> I was wondering when you plan to commit all the changes to the
> toward-gedit-integration branch back to HEAD in gtksourceview. 

hmm... I'd like to finalize the API first. It still needs some love.

> I'd like
> to start making glimmer depend on the new code.

You could start to work on a new branch (of glimmer).

> On a side note, how is your coding going on the new .lang format?

You can see my code on CVS. I have started writing the new parser but it
still isn't complete.
I'm not very happy when the API of GtkSourceLanguage and
GtkSourceTagStyle since it does not manage objects life cycle in a sane
way. I'm going to modify it adding a GtkSourceLanguagesManager class
that will have the responsibility the GtkSourceLanguage objects life

> I'd like to synchronize our glimmer efforts.
> What items remain that need to be moved into gtksourceview? 

- the undo manager must be fixed (i.e. synchronized with the gedit's
- the markers stuff has still to be reviewed
- I'd like to move some code from GeditView to GtkSourceView
- the glimmer's .lang files should be ported to the new format
- adding support for style themes (it is really needed? You have it in

> Is printing
> source code common enough between gedit & glimmer that we can move it
> into gtksourceview?

Yes, we could try to move it to gtksourceview.
The gedit printing code is quite good but it has bugs with non latin
language (but we could fix it later) and, clearly, it does not support
syntax highlighting.


Paolo Maggi                      E-mail: paolo DOT maggi AT polito DOT it
Dip. Automatica e Informatica    Tel.  : + 39 011 564 7078 
Politecnico di Torino            Fax   : + 39 011 564 7099

A Bugless Program is an Abstract Theoretical Concept.

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