We don't support NTLM auth at the moment, no.
Thanks. Using --log-network as you suggested confirmed that's the problem. When I saw "Log network activity", I skipped it since I was already using Wireshark to do that. Obviosly it meant log the socket API activity not actual network activity. :)
You can use a local sendmail if it's listening on localhost, of course. :)
It isn't. I meant the traditional "pipe to /usr/sbin/sendmail". Any chance geary will support that in the hear future? For now, I guess I'll stick with mutt rather than set up SMTP servers on all my machines.
One might think that a convincing argument could be made for enabling plain/login authentication in the Exchange SMTP server since it requires starttls (and the IMAP server allows plain login), but you've got to pick your battles. Or maybe the SMTP server doesn't actually require starttls, in which case enabling plain/login would be a mistake.