Re: [Geary] Geary 0.12 crashing on Fedora 26

2017-12-13 23:15 GMT+01:00 Michael Gratton <mike vee net>:
I think F26 shipped a pre-release version of Geary (hence the "0.12-dev" in
the About box) but then built the actual 0.12 release and published it to
Fedora Updates. It might be worth checking if you have this installed.
Iirc, we never had a pre-release version in F26. Initially, F26 was
shipped with 0.11.3, and later an update to 0.12.0 was made.
However, the 0.12.0 release had "0.12-dev" set as VERSION in
CMakeLists.txt, which is displayed in the About box (seems that has
been fixed in 5c053220 now).

W dniu Thu, 14 Dec 2017 o 7∶50 użytkownik Casey Stone
<tcstone caseystone com> napisał:
Are you (the author or someone) receiving the crash reports that Fedora
tells me are being sent after a crash?
See :
Crashes for applications being part of Fedora are reported to FAF
instance and to bugzilla.

The Bugzilla tickets for Geary are here (including abrt reports):


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