Re: [Geary] Geary 0.12 crashing on Fedora 26

W dniu Thu, 14 Dec 2017 o 7∶50 użytkownik Casey Stone <tcstone caseystone com> napisał:
Are you (the author or someone) receiving the crash reports that Fedora tells me are being sent after a crash? Can something be done to make it more stable?

On this: Crash reports for the distros go to their own crash/bug tracking service and I think the way it works is that package maintainers generally triage and report issues upstream. I haven't heard of any coming from Fedora though. I use Ubuntu myself, so don't really know where to look, either.

If you or someone who knows Fedora can point me at where these crash reports get sent, or even better file some bugs for them in Geary's bug tracker, I'd be happy to look into fixing them.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

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