Re: [Geary] Windows problem with last git update

Le mar. 17 mars 2015 à 18:47, Robert Schroll <rschroll gmail com> a écrit :
If you have dconf-editor installed, navigate to org > yorba > geary and please tell us the values of "folder-list-pane-position", "folder-list-pane-position-horizontal", "folder-list-pane-position-vertical", and "messages-pane-position". Each of these should be between 100 and 1000 or so (they're measuring pixels). If one of the is very large (I'm guessing "messages-pane-position"), change it to a more reasonable value. You can also change the "window-width" property to bring it back down to a reasonable size.

Indeed, messages-pane-position was 1625 and window-width 2472. Some other settings were not the default ones. I've put everything to default and I have now a working Geary with normal panels.


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