Re: [Geary] import / sync contacts

Il giorno mer 25 feb 2015 alle 17:42, Robert Schroll <rschroll gmail com> ha scritto:
On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> wrote:
The debian bug reports are all generated by debian server, so the From: header contains owner bugs debian org and not my address. And these bug addresses, which I almost never write to, come before a debian list I often write to and receive the email from.

Well, "almost never" counts the same as "often" to Geary -- it doesn't track frequency of use. (Arguably it should, although that would introduce another set of issues.) But you probably mean that you almost never write to that whole class of addresses, meaning you've never written to most of them. If that's the case, continue on...

This is the issue.
Actually I wrote once to those emails. But those addresses cannot be considered as important as an address I write to every week or day.

I have a feeling that it is a bug.
Can you suggest a "scientific approach" to create a proper bug report? Perhaps a sqlite query to check my current rankings?

If you run a query like
select normalized_email, highest_importance
from contacttable
where normalized_email like "%debian%"
order by highest_importance desc, normalized_email asc
you should get a listing of addresses similar to what you'd get if you typed "debian" into the to: entry. (Not exactly, since we're not actually generating that list from the database, but it should be close.) If the sort order is different from what you get in a contact entry box, that's a bug. If it's the same, but the ordering feel wrong, we'll have to dig deeper. It could be that Geary mis-categorized the address at some point. Or you could be forgetting a time you sent an email to that address.

It's exactly the same list: Geary shows the first 19 addresses of the query (from 90 to 70 of importance). The ordering feels absolutely wrong because some addresses get 90 as a couple of addresses which should have more importance. Then the "90 items" are listed alphabetically, first numbers then letters. I'm copying the first items of the query result:

$ sqlite3 .local/share/geary/fede inventati org/geary.db

sqlite> select normalized_email, highest_importance from contacttable where normalized_email like "%debian%" order by highest_importance desc, normalized_email asc;
712902 bugs debian org|90
718396-subscribe bugs debian org|90
718396-subyes-5cc4755897afb5d03a92755661aea4c3-3f6b69627573e2176a7eb021447c83e4 bugs debian org|90
728711 bugs debian org|90
731254 bugs debian org|90
732136-subscribe bugs debian org|90
732136-subyes-74caff6e462e2f68f15ed394e1c573d9-fb5cea19774311928d61665ebcf8d17f bugs debian org|90
737445-subscribe bugs debian org|90
737445-subyes-ae1bec9bc9ffd2d8ac451821a4aef516-ed8ae577e355f7228c9bb46a9a53e8d1 bugs debian org|90
742213 bugs debian org|90
743143-subscribe bugs debian org|90
743143-subyes-4445e974156da9d2bfd54a615c729149-48e8a569bb4a4184abbb74a81873970a bugs debian org|90
debian-italian-request lists debian org|90
debian-italian lists debian org|90
debian-live-request lists debian org|90
debian-live lists debian org|90

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