Re: [Geary] Shortcuts suggestions

There's a number of tickets within the Geary Bugzilla ( related to keyboard navigation, although not all of the ones you're describing are there (for example, 'm' to move to a folder).  I would recommend searching there first and subscribing yourself to those tickets.  If you don't find one, feel free to add a new ticket proposing the change.

In general, the issue is not coming up with keyboard navigation schemes, it's someone sitting down and patching the code to add them.  The best way to get these into Geary is to submit a patch yourself or find someone who can.  More information is at

-- Jim

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Pétur <peturvilj gmail com> wrote:
Using the mouse all the time could be a pain. Mutt is such a good email client because we can do everything by using the keyboard. This is so much more efficiant than the WIMP interface (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointing device).

Here are some shortcuts suggestions which I believe are needed to transform Geary in a keyboard compatible email client.

1 - add a shortcut to move inside the three panels folders/threads/Emails : <tab> should alternate between the folders list, the threads list and the Emails list. <up> and <down> arrow in email view (right panel) should develop and reduce emails.
-> Today <tab> works sometimes to go from the left panel (folders) to the middle panel (threads) but not in the other way and not to the right panel.

2. add a shortcut to go to the next unread message (cross folders) : I suggest <N>

3. add a shortcut to move email from one folder to other one : I suggest something close to the thunderbird extension "nostalgy" : <m> (for move) then write the name of the folder (with the help of autocompletion.

Hope this is useful.

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