Re: [gdome]News on preparing 0.7.1

> I have checked in my changes to gdome2 into the CVS.

welcome to the club ;-)

> If anybody is interested, it should be easy to adapt the code in 
> XML-GDOME-XSLT-0.75/GDOME.xs for a C module.

As Daniel pointed out, the most sensible thing to do would probably be to 
have a look at the DOM level 3 APIs and then try to create an API for XSLT 
which matches in some way those. However, I believe that DOM level 3 
development is really far to come in the Gdome2 evolution. Also, I 
think that it should be possible to develop a separate xslt library which 
is not included in Gdome2, with a few minor changes in the core library. 
This should help keeping things in a relatively clean state.
Except for that, the API for your Perl wrapper could be a good starting 

> gdome2/gtk-doc/ for XPath is.  Do i have to create the SGML files by hand 
> or is there an automated way of doing that?

I guess Paolo can tell you more about this.


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