Re: [gdm-list] Disabling the message "Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds."


I want to disable the message "Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds." because I'm making authenticating test and often disconnect quickly from my session.
We don't display that message anymore and haven't for quite some time.
 What version of GDM are you using?
I'm using gdm 2.20.11 and gnome 2.30.2, I know and understand it is outdated.

I checked all my Xsession files and didn't find a part of code returning a
particular code. Can you precise me the exact file, where in th file and
the exact code I should add ?
inside /usr/share/xsessions there is a desktop file corresponding to
the session you log in with.  That binary is the thing that needs to
exit with a 66 status.  Probably the easiest way to make it do that is
to create a shell script wrapper that runs the binary like

exit 66

(where whatever-session is the thing mentioned in the Exec line of the
desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions for the session you're logging in

In the /usr/share/xsessions/ folder I found the file gnome.desktop inside there is the following line Exec=gnome-session so I created the script as you suggested and replaced the Exec line with the script path :
exit 66

The message "Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds." doesn't appear anymore.

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