Re: [gdm-list] custom display on gdmgreeter


Most people use zenity for a simple progress bar, and other
kinds of dialogs.  Zenity has a zillion arguments so you'll
probably need to play with a little bit to get to do what you

Look in the "Configuration" section of the GDM documentation that
corresponds with the version of GDM you are using:

Note the "Init" script allows you to launch a program that runs
with the GDM login GUI.  The "PreSession" script can be used to
launch a program that starts with the user session.  Perhaps this
would be a good hook to launch a program you want to run to
monitor for the sync.  Though if you want a program to start
up in the user session, starting it via $HOME/.profile would
also probably work.

Note that with the "Init" and "PreSession" script, you have to run the
program in the background with the "&" character.  So if you want to
run zenity you would run "zenity --options &" from the script.  If you
leave out the "&", then the script will hang until the launched program

Good luck,


My wife uses an external USB hard-disk to maintain her photo gallery.
She needed a simple way to backup this disk. I've setup one of my linux
installs' udev configuration to detect when this particular disk gets
connected to its USB port and then kicks off my custom script which
mounts the drive, rsyncs her photo gallery to a backup disk and then
unmounts the drive when done.

This works beautifully, no hassles. The problem is, there is no feedback
that this is happening, nor is there any indication when it is completed
and the hard disk can be safely removed. I was wondering if there is
some way I can hack into the gdm greeter for it to show up an icon (and
possibly a progress bar - but that may be ambitious) when the disk is
being rsynced.

My wife isn't very computer savvy, which is why I want to make this very
simple from her point of view. I on the other hand am not afraid to
write some C/C++ to get this working. As long as someone can give me
some pointers as to where to start.

... or tell me I'm barking up the wrong tree and that GDM can't do this.



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