Re: [gdm-list] db2omf messages


On 5/23/06, *Brian Cameron* <Brian Cameron sun com <mailto:Brian Cameron sun com>> wrote:


    I notice a bunch of error messages about HAL programs not being
    able to start.  Perhaps your system isn't set up to work properly?
    I'd look into fixing those HAL issues and see if that fixes the
    problem.  Also make sure you have Virtual Terminals (VT's)
    turned on in the Xserver configuration.

KDM starts without any problem and also XDM...the VT's are enabled...does GDM query HAL?

Look in /usr/share/xsession and find the session desktop file
that you are using to start your session.  See if the command
started by TryExec tries to start HAL or other things that might
be causing the failure.

If this is not the problem, I think you will probably need to
debug why the failsafe dialog is not starting up.  Perhaps it
is an issue with Xauth keys.  Does changing the RelaxPermissions
configuration value make a difference?  It seems like GDM is
failing to be able to display a dialog window, so perhaps the
Xserver is not starting properly.  Is the command for launching
the Xserver in your GDM configuration file correct?

Note that the message you are seeing is in the "dialog_failed"
function in daemon/errorgui.c.  This is a bit annoying since it
doesn't log the actual message it was trying to show in the
dialog.  You might need to add some gdm_debug calls to the code
to find out what is going on here.


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