Re: [gDesklets] Calendar help

Hi Ronny,

I have made the changes necessary to integrate Calendar with iCalendarEvent
and have checked those into to the "Basic desklets" bazaar branch.  I hope
within the next week I will get iCE checked in as well.  The last few months
have been, uh, unusually busy. :)  Then maybe I can fix the latest open bug
and we can push out a release!

The good news is that you could start using it right away if you have the
Control installed already.  More good news: the latest version supports
CalDAV (I specifically tested it with Google Calendar).  I don't recall if
writing to calendars is supported completely...I think it's just writing
recurring events that isn't implemented (if you want to create a bi-weekly
event on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you really should use a full calendar
program to make it).

Finally, I've only converted most of the "general" events.  Mainly because I
can read them and they're implementable in the Gregorian calendar.


On 01/26/2012 07:24 AM, Ronny Lorenz wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> in the last days I also wondered about converting the nice Calender display
> to be capable of doing a lot more.
> Do I understand it right that you first want to convert the already builtin
> events into iCal format such that those
> events may be used by other programs as well? Or that other programs which
> are able to produce iCal format
> can be used to create the event list for the Calendar display?
> Because I was thinking at least one step ahead ;)
> I thought it would be quite cool to either use the already existing
> iCalenderEvent control or to program a new
> control capable of communicating via CalDAV with any calendar server. (even
> if it first just means to make
> external calendars readonly)
> This would enable the display to subscribe to multiple calendar sources
> (e.g. google calendar or any private
> calendar server). In my opinion and also for my purposes this should be
> somehow thought of (I already have an
> own calendar server that helps me synchronize my smartphone with my desktop
> at work and at home...)
> Are you also interested in features like this?
> greetz
> Ronny
> On 10/24/2011 03:25 AM, Joe Sapp wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to convert the Calendar desklet (included in the gD distribution)
>> into something more manageable, which means using the iCalendar (just RFC
>> 2445 [1]) format.  I'm looking for some volunteers to put together calendars
>> with at least the basic, yearly recurring events found in events.script.
>> Don't worry about the "general" events list, I'm almost finished with it.
>> If it's more complicated than "every year on January 1" and you don't want
>> to dig into the RFC, just skip it and I'll try to get around to it.  I just
>> need some help getting started.  I don't care if you use Mozilla
>> Lightning/Sunbird, Outlook, Google Calendar, vi...just as long as it's
>> compliant with the RFC.
>> Let me know if you can help.  Thanks.
>> -- 
>> Joe
>> [1]
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